Public Worship 9/29/2024 Luke 14:12-24
Worship Together this Sunday, September 29 *Morning Worship at Harvest: 9: 30 AM (Facebook/YouTube) *Sunday School Classes for all ages: 11: 00 AM-12: 00 PM *Youth Group: 5: 00 – 7: 00 PM @ HPC Sermon Series: That You May Believe 0:00:10 Announcements 0:02:04 Prelude - The Church's One Foundation 0:04:32 Call to Worship -Revelation 15: 2-4 0:05:09 Confession of Faith - The Apostles' Creed 0:06:12 Hymn of Praise - # 38 Ye Servants of God 0:08:21 Prayer of Confession - From the Book of Common Prayer 0:10:38 Assurance of Pardon - Hebrews 10: 21-22 0:11:35 Hymn of Assurance - Blessed Assurance 0:14:18 Morning Prayer 0:17:09 The Lord's Prayer 0:17:51 Offertory - There is a Higher Throne 0:21:19 Offertory Response - Doxology 0:21:56 Prayer of Dedication 0:22:38 Anthem - A Joyous Call to Praise - Worship Choir 0:25:39 Sermon Luke 14: 12-24 1:04:36 Hymn of Response - The Lord Almighty Reigns 1:09:49 Benediction - 2 Corinthians 13: 14