HALLOWEEN Movies Ranked According to ROTTEN TOMATOES | Are the Critics Right?
The entire Halloween franchise ranked from worst to best according to Rotten Tomatoes aggregated reviews. How accurate are their scores? UP NEXT: Ranking of the HALLOWEEN Franchise: • All 12 HALLOWEEN Movies Ranked | Wher... ROTTEN TOMATOES vs. The FRIDAY THE 13th Franchise: • Is Friday the 13th REALLY THAT BAD!? ROTTEN TOMATOES vs. The SCREAM Franchise: • You won’t believe the highest rated S... Rotten Tomatoes can be a great source for people wanting to research a movie before watching, just to see if it will be worth their time. But really, how reliable is the consensus of the people who we've entrusted to review this content for us? We all know how much film critics hate the horror genre especially, so can Rotten Tomatoes really be the final word on whether or not a horror movie (or one of its many many sequels) is good? In this video we will be going through all 12 of the Halloween films in the order in which they're ranked based on their tomatometer score, see what the critics consensus is for each one of them, and how it compares to the audience score as well. Be sure to let me know in the comments if you agree or disagree with Rotten Tomatoes, and also leave your own personal ranking of the Halloween franchise so we can all compare. Films being ranked by Rotten Tomatoes: John Carpenter's Halloween (1978) Halloween II (1981) Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982) Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) Halloween H2O (1998) Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007) Rob Zombie's Halloween II (2009) Halloween (2018) Halloween Kills (2021) CHAPTER GUIDE: Intro 0:00 12th Place 1:14 11th Place 2:30 10th Place 4:48 9th Place 6:55 8th Place 8:01 7th Place 9:27 6th Place 11:04 5th Place 13:21 4th Place 14:26 3rd Place 15:39 2nd Place 17:08 1st Place 18:29 Music used in this video: Impending Boom by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Searching For You by White Hex If you enjoyed this video and would like to support this channel and watch additional Patron-exclusive content, please check out my Patreon account and follow me on Instagram. Patreon: / zackcherry Instagram: @retrobitchface #RottenTomatoes #HalloweenFranchise #Ranked