हरित क्रांति से जुड़े सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न | Green revolution in india | Harit Kranti #ssc #khansir

हरित क्रांति से जुड़े सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न | Green revolution in india | Harit Kranti #ssc #khansir

हरित क्रांति से जुड़े सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न | Green revolution in india | Harit Kranti Gk Question TOP 40 : भारतीय कृषि (India Agriculture) अति महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न || Topic Wise GK in Hindi भारतीय कृषि के 71 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न | indian agriculture top 71 mcq | bhartiya krashi gk हरित क्रांति महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न | Green Revolution important question | Harit Kranti Gk | Economics GK हरित क्रांति से जुड़े सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न | important gk Questions in hindi | Kranti avam janak हरित क्रांति से संबंधित प्रश्न | Harit Kranti GK MCQ+THEORY | Green Revolution Gk Questions हरित क्रांति से संबंधित प्रश्न | Harit Kranti Gk Mcq | Green Revolution Gk |Harit Kranti Gk Question 🔹Telegram Link = https://t.me/NONSTOPKnowledge Question discuss in video 👇 Parmar ssc harit kranti 1. From which country did India import wheat seeds during the Green Revolution ? 2. The Green Revolution was commenced under the leadership of whom among the following Prime Ministers of India ? 3. Indian Green Revolution started from which university ? 4. Green Revolution started in __ ? 5. father of green revolution in india Bharat ratna ? 6. Which of the following is not related to the beginning of Green Revolution in India ? 7. Which of the following was/were the limitations of the Green Revolution ? 9. What does HYVP Stand for ? 10. Which of the following is not a component of Green Revolution ? 11. Due to the need for irrigation facilities and pesticides/fertilizers, some rich states like ? 12. Green Revolution was mainly for which crops ? 13. Which agricultural technology was promoted by the Green Revolution against traditional farming ? 14. trial a new variety of wheat seeds for the first time during the Green Revolution ? 15. Who among the following used the term evergreen revolution to increase agricultural production in India ? 16. In how many eastern states is the scheme called Green Revolution being implemented in Eastern India ? 17. Who first used the term Green Revolution ? 18. Who was the father of Green Revolution ? 19. Norman Borlaug father of Green Revolution belonged to which country ? 20. When did the Green Revolution start in India ? 21. Green Revolution was initiated during which five year plan ? 22. Who was the father of Green Revolution in India ? green revolution harit kranti green revolution in india green revolution in hindi what is green revolution harit kranti ke janak history of green revolution harit kranti kya hai harit kranti gk upsc harit kranti ke questions the green revolution green revolution and its impact in india father of green revolution green revolution explained green revolution started in india Father of green revolution in world Knowledge wala Dost xmart study 2.0 Rajveer sir history rajveer sir हरित क्रांति से जुड़े सभी महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न Green revolution in india Harit Kranti Gk Question Norman Borlaug Norman Borlaug green revolution upsssc panir sabji recipe harit kranti harit kranti ke janak kaun hai harit kranti se sambandhit question green revolution in indian economy green revolution in india in hindi green revolution in india upsc green revolution geography green revolution gk green revolution date green revolution and golden revolution green revolution mcq green revolution mcq questions green revolution questions and answers green revolution quiz green revolution questions harit kranti ssc gd harit kranti kise kahate hain harit kranti ke janak kaun hai harit kranti by khan sir harit kranti k janak harit kranti ke bare mein harit kranti upsssc pet harit kranti geography harit kranti gk question harit kranti ravi study iq gk harit kranti ssc gd harit kranti crazy gktrick harit kranti question answer harit kranti question father of green revolution in india father of green revolution death father of green revolution in the world father of green revolution ms swaminathan Ms swaminathan Bharat ratna death harit kranti janak harit kranti ke janak kaun the harit kranti ke janak kise kaha jata hai harit kranti ke janak kaun hai harit kranti ke janak ka nidhan harit kranti ke janak kise kahate hain harit kranti ke janak swaminathan harit kranti ke janak kaun tha harit kranti ke janak kise mana jata hai history of green revolution in india history of india in hindi history of india by khan sir history of india in english history of India green revolution history of India by rajveer sir harit kranti world history in hindi basic maths bharat me harit kranti harit kranti ke bare mein harit kranti ke janak kaun hai hindi question indian geography playlist processing shani dev tandav classes upsssc visarg sandhi wall hanging of independence day who is who in india 2024 current affairs #हरित_क्रांति_से_जुड़े_सभी_महत्वपूर्ण_प्रश्न #greenrevolutioninindia #greenrevolution #haritkranti #haritkrantigkquestion #greenrevolutioninhindi #knowledge_wala_dost #knowledgewaladost #fatherofgreenrevolution #harit_kranti_gk #historyofgreenrevolution