Have You Seen: Batman 1989

Have You Seen: Batman 1989

In our series "Have You Seen?" we discuss a movie that some of us know well and others have just now seen for the first time. Our conversation focuses on the experience of someone watching the movie for the first time today and their reaction. This week the talk about Tim Burton's Batman from 1989 which stars Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker in which billionaire Bruce Wayne, as the masked vigilante Batman, battles the psychotic Joker, who wreaks havoc on Gotham City after a chemical accident We talk about how this foundational classic of the superhero holds up to someone watching it for the first time in 2024, how it realises its iconic characters, the story as well as its place in the superhero genre that would not exist the way it does today without this movie. #movieconversations #moviediscussion #batman #batman1989 #moviereaction #firsttimewatching