오르간 새찬송가 반주- 9장. 하늘에 가득 찬 영광의 하나님 (통53)
Heaven is Full of Your Glory 1 Heav-en is full of Your glo-ry, great God of ours You who fill all the earth, You whom a-lone we a-dore, Who With Your light and life, with Your great wis-dom and pow'rs Gra-cious-ly care for us, our Guard-i-an strong and sure! Fath-er and Son and the Spir-it, sal-va-tion's God, our King, Ac-cept, Lord, in grace, this wor-ship Your peo-ple bring 2 Great God of mer-cy, Whose love still ov-er-flows to-day, God of sal-va-tion a-bund-ant, so full of grace, Grant peace to all Who re-pent in true spir-it, we pray Hold not the guilt of our sins be-fore Your ho-ly face! Life, praise and glo-ry for-ev-er, sal-va-tion's God, our King, Ac-cept, Lord, in grace, this wor-ship Your peo-ple bring 3 Firm-ly es-tab-lish the spir-it of the faint in heart, Help the un-gift-ed, give wis-dom to the weak in mind Let us em-brace Your will, make our lives true ev-'ry part, Let them be liv'd by Your word, where new cour-age we find! Life, pow'r and wis-dom for-ev-er, sal-va-tion's God, our King, Ac-cept, Lord, in grace, this wor-ship Your peo-ple bring 4 With You our hearts re-joice far past ev-'ry joy we know, Your word our strength and hope, hope which like a foun-tain pours Help us de-feat ev-'ry hard-ship and mock ev-'ry woe Let-ting our lives to e-ter-ni-ty be join'd to Yours! Lord God, our boast and re-joic-ing, sal-va-tion's God, our King, Ac-cept, Lord, in grace, this wor-ship Your peo-ple bring A-men This Hymn is Performed by YooniqueMusic #immanuelpiano #오르간찬송가반주9장 #임마누엘피아노 #찬송가반주 #오르간찬송가반주 #EveryDailyComposer #찬송9장 #예배반주 #가정예배반주자 #하늘에가득찬영광의하나님