Let’s find the BEST and WORST Fast Food Desserts! | **28 item taste test**

Let’s find the BEST and WORST Fast Food Desserts! | **28 item taste test**

While the Takedown Twins are no strangers to the sweet indulgences, fast food establishments have never been a first stop of ours when venturing out for treats. Rather than pace ourselves like normal people, we figured we’d put our big appetites and conditioned stomach capacities from the past year of food challenge mayhem to good use and try as many fast food desserts as we could get within close proximity to us. After retrieving a total of 28 dessert menu items from 12 different fast food establishments ranging anywhere from Starbucks to Popeyes, we set out to not only try each one but rank them in order of our favorite to least. It was not only a great time trying a bunch of sweets we don’t typically go out of the way for but also experimenting with content outside of food challenges! We hope y’all enjoy and make sure to give the video a ‘like’ and subscribe if you’re new! Much love, -Pete & Nate Looking to help support the channel? Any amount helps! Patreon:   / thetakedowntwins   *We do not recommend or encourage anyone try eating the amount of food consumed in this video. Follow on IG: themicheltwins |   / themicheltwins   ____________________________ THE FAST FOOD DESSERTS: (Item, Final Ranking, & Calories) Sonic Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blast (#25) | 490cals Sonic Blast With Oreo Cookie Pieces (#20) | 440 Sonic Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Blast (#11) | 490 Burger King Hershey’s Sundae Pie (#19) | 305 Burger King Chocolate Chip Cookie (#22) | 150 Subway Oatmeal Raisin Cookie (#12) | 200 Subway White Chocolate Macadamia Cookie (#17) | 220 Subway Raspberry Cheesecake Cookie (#2) | 200 Wendy’s Sugar Cookie (#7) | 330 Starbucks Birthday Cake Pop (#1) | 170 Starbucks Chocolate Cake Pop (#28) | 160 Starbucks Cinnamon Coffee Cake (#21) | 330 Starbucks Double Chocolate Brownie (#8) | 480 Starbucks Chocolate Chip Cookie (#18) | 360 Chick-fil-A Chocolate Fudge Brownie (#5) | 380 Chick-fil-A Chocolate Chunk Cookie (#9) | 370 Domino’s Marbled Cookie Brownie (#6) | 200/ea Domino’s Chocolate Lava Crunch Cake (#15) | 350 McDonald’s Apple Fritter (#10) | 510 McDonald’s Cinnamon Roll (#26) | 560 McDonald’s Chocolate Chip Cookie (#23) | 170 McDonald’s Apple Pie (#24) | 230 Popeyes Cinnamon Apple Pie (#4) | 320 Taco Bell Cinnabon Delights (#3) | 930/12 Taco Bell Cinnamon Twists (#27) | 170 Dunkin’ Maple Frosted Donut (#13) | 260 Dunkin’ Coffee Roll (#14) | 390 KFC Chocolate Chip Cake (#16) | 1,800/full ____________________________ FAQ’s: Q: How do you not gain weight? A: Endurance sports (primarily running, cycling and some resistance training tossed in) and extreme discipline & sacrifice with our daily diets is how we manage not to gain weight. We eat mostly vegetables, fruits, some whole grains and low fat dairy on the days outside these challenges. The calories consumed in a food challenge are the only calories consumed that day and sometimes the day following as well seeing our appetites are typically shot from so much food and the thought of eating is very off putting. Two days out we are back to large amounts of vegetables and increase to maintenance from there. We also often eat most of our days calories in a smaller eating window (we frequently bounce between intermittent fasting & OMAD diet as it just seems to work with our lifestyles and eating preferences). Anyone with a larger than normal stomach capacity like us, the drive to push through the discomfort of a challenge like this, and a basic understanding of energy balance (calories in vs calories out) can do it with enough disciple and intention (not that we recommend it). Also worth mentioning is that we do not exercise to burn the calories consumed in a challenge but rather we are able to consume higher calorie diets due to our love for endurance sports and said discipline with our daily diets. Q: Can you make a “What I eat in a day” / fitness focused video? A: While we’re sure that type of video will eventually make its way out there, we are only able to produce one piece of quality content with our current schedules. We’re still in the very early stages of establishing ourselves within the food challenge genre and we’re constantly experimenting & trying to improve upon our style to make our channel/challenges a unique experience. This channel in particular will most likely always primarily revolve around food challenges but, if this ever became a legitimate source of income and we were able to focus our full attention towards creating content, our goal would be to start a second channel to offer more of a look into that side of our lives. So, for now, food challenges are the name of the game ____________________________ Soundstripe.com Song Use Codes: EAVKUEHWEFYSOPF1 AUH0AFTQT0Q2Y2KZ Q0OQVA076PC772GG FUZTXY5WYOSSXEZT MRVJO9LJI5KSGRHZ JFJSONJKTC5TQSYE UWIBFXZX4EOAR8QR LAJN8STAUU2CFPVQ YWVOOWDUJSNN3CGW OGC0CDHRQGUQJMJO ANIEA3CYKRKCIL0E BKLOU7OOY35QBGQN SVKJK8Y5FCIIHXJS ILZASXF360UX5PI6 CN7LWDRZHRXBLWND