Songs of Christmas - Youth-Led Christmas Worship

Songs of Christmas - Youth-Led Christmas Worship

December 18th, 2022 - The 4th Sunday in Advent WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP Prelude: "Jazz Carols", Michael Hassell Announcements Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle Gathering Hymn: "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came" Apostolic Greeting Hymn of Praise Prayer of the Day Gospel Acclamation and Gospel Reading: Matthew 1:18-25 Meditation on the Gospel Children's Christmas Program Part 1 - Italy, Selection from "Magnificat", Giovanni Battista, Pergolesi Part 2 - Germany, Congregation Hymn: "From Heaven Above" Part 3 - France, "The First Noel" by the Bells of Hope Part 4 - United States, Congregation Hymn: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" Part 5 - Malawi, "That Boy-Child of Mary" by the women of the Hope Choir Part 6 - Austria "Congregation Hymn: "Silent Night" Part 7 - England, Congregation Hymn: "Joy to the World" The Apostles Creed The Prayers of the Church Offering and Prayer The Lord's Prayer Benediction Sending Hymn: "All Earth is Hopeful" Dismissal Postlude: "Go Tell It on the Mountain", John Carter