Far Cry 3 Gameplay  Walkthrough  [1080P 60FPS ]  - Master Difficulty - Part 9, Meet Citra

Far Cry 3 Gameplay Walkthrough [1080P 60FPS ] - Master Difficulty - Part 9, Meet Citra

Here's a Real Walkthrough Of Far Cry 3.I'm Trying To Beat The Game From Start To Finish On Master Difficulty For The First Time.This is Cinematic walkthrough of Far Cry 3. I'm playing on the Hardest difficulty (available from the start). All gameplay recorded from PC at Max Settings in 1080P 60 FPS. Mission - 11 - Jason visits Citra to seek the help of the Rakyat against Vaas's pirates. Citra asks Jason to retrieve something that has been lost, and invites him to drink a mixture, which causes him to pass out and fall into a dream. In the dream, Jason sees his friends, a man in white suit, a shanty town, and an Asian ceremonial knife. After Jason wakes up, he surmises that Citra is looking for the knife, and Dennis points him to the shanty town in the east. FAR CRY 3 - 100%WALKTHROUGH GAMEPLAY PREVIOUS PART - 8    • Far Cry 3 Gameplay  Walkthrough  [108...   ---------------------- GAME'S INFO ---------------------- Game: Far Cry 3 Platform: PC Developer(s): Ubisoft Montreal Publisher(s): Ubisoft Game's Type: First-person shooter /Action-Adventure Difficulty: Master Difficulty! MISSIONS AND OBJECTIVES Mission - 10 - Prison Break-In 00:00 - Explore the island, or talk to Citra when ready for a new objective. 02:32 - Meet Dennis. 03:30 - Follow Dennis. 07:22 - Search for the object Citra desires. 10:54 - Leave Citra's temple. #farcry3 #farcrycosplay#gaminglifestyle#farcry#ubisoftgames#gameplay #ubisoft🕊 #seedfamily #sacanime #farcrycosplay #faithseedcosplay #cosplaye #farcrymaster Thanks for watching! Check Me Out On YouTube Gaming!    / @captainmark9862   SUBSCRIBE HERE -   / @captainmark9862   DISCORD -  / discord