401K vs IRA: What They REALLY Mean For Your Retirement #personalfinance #investingforbeginners

401K vs IRA: What They REALLY Mean For Your Retirement #personalfinance #investingforbeginners

With everything happening in the economy, more people are thinking about retirement planning—not just how it fits into their budget now, but how it will shape their future finances. I saw a question in a group I’m in: “Which is better, a 401K or an IRA?” While there are many ways to save for retirement, these two are the most popular. If you’ve been wondering the same thing—this video is for you, Fren. 💬 Wallet Discussion: What’s one thing you want to know about retirement planning? Drop it in the comments! 📌 In this video, we’ll cover: ✅ What a 401K is and how it works (Employer match? Contribution limits? We got you!) ✅ What an IRA is and how it gives you more investment control ✅ How to build a strategy—even if your job doesn’t offer a match ✅ Key differences between a 401K and IRA and which might fit your goals best ✅ How to balance your investments (stocks, bonds, and cash) for long-term growth ✅ Side quests (aka my usual money takes) to help you rethink your retirement plan 🚨 The goal? This video will help you make smarter retirement moves without confusion. Whether you’re just starting out or optimizing what you already have, this video will help you create a plan that actually works for you. 🔗 Watch now and start building your retirement strategy: Resources & Freebies: ✅Fumbled To Funded Newsletter, Freebie + Sign Up: → https://bit.ly/3Srp9op ✅ Book a Budget or Financial Planning Session → https://bit.ly/41D1PY9 Connect with me on social media for more money tips: Twitter: www.twitter.com/nvknows Instagram: www.instagram.com/nvknows FB: www.facebook.com/brandsandbands Threads: https://www.threads.net/@nvknows TikTok: / nvknows Want Free Stock? Join Me On Public Invest: https://public.com/@nvknows Website: https://www.thebrandsandbands.com DISCLAIMER: This information is intended for the purposes of education only. This content is not a solicitation to buy or engage in any securities transaction. Nadia Vanderhall nor The Brands And Bands is responsible for any financial or otherwise losses from engaging in any securities transaction. All content is that of the author and does not represent any company or sponsor. #personalfinance #budgeting #paydayroutine #savemoney #reitrement #401k #ira #retirementplanning