7PM Mass - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | October 2, 2022
Mass the on the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time celebrated at Christ Our Hope in downtown Seattle with Father Bryan Hersey - Recorded on October 2, 2022. ___ Visit us online at www.christourhopeseattle.org ___ Dear Friends, I want to personally invite you to join us at Christ Our Hope Catholic Church in downtown Seattle. We are an inclusive community that welcomes everyone! You will find the love of God on rich display in our parish. Our focus is on forming engaged followers of the Gospel of Jesus, with a specific mission to the poor, the business community, young adults, and visitors to our city…and anyone else that comes through our doors! Our liturgies are vibrant with a special focus on Catholic Social Teaching. Please feel welcome to come share your faith, hope and love with us. ___ Christ Our Hope Church is located in the Catholic Housing Services' 14-story Josephinum at Second and Stewart, once the New Washington Hotel but now home to 240 formerly homeless and low-income residents. Mr. Stephen Lee, architect of the 1994 renovation of St. James Cathedral, was chosen to design the worship space. Respecting and blending the styles of the then-existing St. Joseph Chapel and of the former dining room of the hotel, Lee created a light-filled, contemporary environment for Catholic liturgy. The beautifully renovated worship space officially became Christ Our Hope Catholic Church at the blessing and dedication by Archbishop Alexander J. Brunett on August 28, 2010. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-62023. All rights reserved.