The Hindu Newspaper Analysis Editorial Discussion | Current Affairs 09 February 2022 for #UPSC #IAS
Study Lover Veer Official App👉 https://openinapp.co/j5dev #UPSC #thehindu #thehinduanalysis #thehindutoday #Thehindutodayanalysis #TheHindueditoral #Thehindunewstoday #thehindunewspaper #todaythehindu #dailycurrentaffairs The Hindu Newspaper Analysis & Editorial Discussion, Current Affairs 9 February 2022 for UPSC/CSE/IAS/EPFO/RBI in Hindi and English By Veer Talyan This lecture is a Daily Current Affairs video lecture, which is covering important articles and editorials in the required depth mainly for UPSC CSE IAS, CDS, NDA, EPFO, PSC, SSC, Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI, SSC, CLAT Exams Preparation, and General Studies for all competitive examinations. In this video lecture, Study Lover Veer (SLV) channel by Veer Talyan brings you The Hindu Analysis. The aspirants are advised to watch the entire video lecture for a better understanding of all the topics till the end. Veer Talyan, Study Lover Veer, The Hindu analysis, The Hindu by Veer SLVpedia - 👉 https://t.me/SLVpedia LAPTOP STAND👉 https://amzn.to/33K8SUW 👉For PDF & daily updates- https://t.me/StudYLoveRVeeR Today The Hindu Newspaper Analysis and Editorial Discussion 09 February 2022 Timestamp 00:00 - Most Expensive Car - Rolls 03:25 - Lecture Overview 03:53 - Notification 06:08 - Group + Video Notification 07:24 - The Hindu Newspaper Analysis and Editorial 10:39 - Short News Overview 12:20 - UPSC Mains - Essay Quotation 13:12 - UPSC Prelims Q 15:13 - Editorial -1 NEET 29:32 - Editorial -2 Step up agri-spending, boost farm income 42:49 - Editorial -3 In Conjunction 56:08 - PRELIMS FOCUS FACTS 56:20 - haryana Cabiney - Anti-Conversion Bill 58:46 - Posts on kashmir Unacceptable: govt 59:23 - Election poll 59:48 - Women - Office work 1:00:37 - Hijab-saffron row turns Violent in Karnataka 1:01:13 - A V-Day wedding beyond gender barrier 1:02:15 - T.N. - NEET 1:02:27 - U.P. police personal Checking Vehicle 1:02:34 - Will Conduct census of those who quit liquor drinking 1:03:05 - Budget - MGNREGA 1:04:33 - Macron sees path to eas Russia Crisis 1:04:51 - EU joins chips race with €43 billion bid to rival Asia 1:05:01 - S.Lanka recognise india as a true, reliable Friend: Peiris 1:05:11 - Sri Lanka - Adhar 1:05:20 - US approve upgrade for Taiwan missil 1:05:32 - 13Mn face severe hunger in Africa 1:05:43 - TRAI start consultations ahead of 5G auction 1:06:31 - Sudoku 1:06:41 - UPSC Prelims Q's Answer 1:09:40 - Vocabulary 1:11:21 - Be Happy, share & Help Each other 👉Answer Writing on Telegram- https://t.me/VeeRTalyan 👉Join करें SLV Commando बनने के लिए -    / @studyloverveer  For more updates 👉Follow VeeR on FB-   / 247veer  👉Follow VeeR on Instagram:   / veertalyan  👉Follow VeeR on Twitter -   / veertalyan  👉My Writing Paid: http://amzn.to/2yZ1SmB 👉My Mike: http://amzn.to/2yYYyb0 👉My Laptop: http://amzn.to/2yEVDRN 👉All Lecture-Polity & Constitution:    • Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth Comple...  🙏🏻" A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle"🙏🏻 Thank YoU...VeeR upsc ias syllabus, upsc syllabus, upsc online, upsc exam, upsc cse 2022, civil preparation, upsc preparation, upsc motivation, upsc online, upsc for beginners, crack ias, crack upsc, resources for upsc preparation, upsc online coaching in hindi medium, newspaper reading for upsc, upsc cse 2022, upsc cse 2022, APFC 2022, indian express, study lover veer, study lover, slv, current affairs 2022, study lover veer daily current affairs, daily current affairs 2022, daily current affairs, the hindu, the hindu analysis, the hindu analysis today, the hindu analysis in hindi, the hindu daily news analysis, the hindu newspaper analysis, the hindu daily news analysis in hindi, the hindu analysis for upsc, the hindu today, the hindu editorial, the hindu newspaper analysis today, the hindu newspaper analysis in hindi, the hindu editorial analysis today, the hindu editorial analysis, newspaper analysis, current affairs in hindi by veer, the hindu editorial today, the hindu vocab, the hindu vocabulary, the hindu newspaper today, the hindu pdf, slv, editorial analysis, the hindu vocabulary today, daily news analysis, today hindu analysis, newspaper analysis today, upsc epfo, hindu editorial analysis, the hindu official website, buy the hindu newspaper, the hindu paid version, the hindu group, kasturi and sons limited, hindu editorial, hindu editorial analysis in english, hindu vocab, rrb clerk, hindu vocabulary, sbi po, vocabulary, rrb po, editorial today, omicron, cse, psc, the editorial analysis, vocab grammar quiz, editorial analysis for bank, ibps po, daily current affairs, current affairs ias, hindu analysis,