Welcome to Eden First Kiss - Zoa and Bel "It’s important to have someone you can trust" (Eng sub)
🙏 Please LIKE And SUBSCRIBE. WELCOME TO EDEN on Netflix is a new thriller series from Spain. The target demographic is definitely in the younger age range. Mainly the teen and young adult segment. Subscribe to Kino book on Youtube for more scenes! WELCOME TO EDEN is a new Netflix series from Spain (org. title Bienvenidos a Edén). This is a thriller and action series that has elements of sci-fi and cult plots along the way. In Welcome to Eden, carefully selected (by way of their social media accounts) young people are suddenly contacted. They receive a text message with the question “Are you happy?” which is an intriguing beginning. These young people are then promised something that will make them happy. When this turns out to be an invitation to the “most exclusive party in history on a secret island, organized by the brand of a new drink”. That’s heading into substance abuse to cover your pain. And fast! Basically, the teens in this series really are too young to reason. Party the pain away It’s also about being handpicked for a special new life (*cough* in a cult *cough*) and falling in love. Especially because the girl we follow, Zoa, leaves her 15-year-old little sister on her own as she goes to find happiness at a party island. Just after receiving the news that her mom is yet again out of rehab and ready to be a parent. So, the responsible (somewhat and supposedly, anyway) older sister, who has a mom with serious addiction issues, abandons all to go party?! While plenty of kids, who have parents with addiction issues, do end up having the same battles, they begin by introducing Zoa as being different. To be clear, I have no issue with the actors at all. Amaia Aberasturi plays the role of Zoa in a very sober (pun intended) way, but the storyline written for her isn’t good. In other key roles, we see Belinda Peregrín as the social media influencer África. In the more adult part of the character gallery, we see roles played by Amaia Salamanca (Perdida), Guillermo Pfening (The Paramedic), and Ana Wagener (The Innocent). Welcome to eden Season 1 official website: https://www.netflix.com/title/81211710 Welcome to eden Season 1 Promo/Preview Zoa and Bel Welcome to eden 1x08 Zoa and Bel kiss #WelcometoEden »You can watch this series with a subscription to Netflix. » Starring: The Paramedic, Amaia Salamanca, Belinda Peregrín