गूळ वापरून बनवा गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक | घरच्या मोजक्या साहित्यात |Wheat Flour #Cake_Recipe in Marathi

गूळ वापरून बनवा गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक | घरच्या मोजक्या साहित्यात |Wheat Flour #Cake_Recipe in Marathi

Wheat Flour Cake Easy Recipe using Jaggery Along with ample tips to make spongy & moist गव्हाच्या पिठाचा जाळीदार आणि स्वादिस्ट केक बनवा कढ़ई मध्ये घरच्या मोजक्या साहित्यात तयार होणारा पौष्टीक गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक बनवण्यासाठी लागणारे साहित्य • १ कप गव्हाचं पीठ • १/२ कप गूळ • ३/४ कप पाणी • १/४ कप तेल • १/२ चमचा खायचा सोडा • १ चमचा बेकिंग पावडर • १ चमचा वेलची पावडर • चिमूटभर मीठ • पांढरे तीळ • खजूर atta cake recipe | eggless wheat cake recipe | healthy atta cake without sugar - with detailed photo and video recipe. a healthy and tasty wheat-based cake recipe, an alternative to the popular maida based cake. in addition, the recipe is made without sugar and without egg and hence making a healthy cake recipe. moreover, this cake can also be served for breakfast and not just limiting for dessert. Keywords: घरच्या मोजक्या साहित्यात तयार होणारा पौष्टीक केक Homemade Cake, मैदा, रवा, साखर, बिस्कीट न वापरता बनवा केक | No Egg, No Sugar, No Maida, No Butter, गव्हाच्या पिठाचा गूळ घालून केलेला केक इतका छान होईल यावर विश्वासच बसणार नाही | Wheat Jaggery cake, घरच्या साहित्यात गव्हाच्या पिठाचा आणि गुळाचा पौष्टिक केक | wheat flour cake, मैदा,साखर न घालता आजीच्या पद्धतीने बनवा सर्वात सोपा मऊ लुसलुशीत केक | Cake recipe in marathi, सर्वात सोप्पा पौष्टिक गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक | Eggless Wholewheat Flour Cake | No Oven, गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक | कापसासारखा मऊ जाळीदार केक , बिना अंड्याचा केक | Wheat Flour Cake, ATTA CAKE RECIPE WITHOUT SUGAR, WITH JAGGERY | EGGLESS WHOLE WHEAT CAKE RECIPE WITHOUT OVEN | N'Oven, Marathi Recipe, Maharashtrian Recipes, Marathi Padarth, Maharashtrian Padarth, Eggless Whole Wheat Cake, Eggless Atta Cake, Wheat Cake Recipe, Atta Cake recipe without Sugar, Eggless Whole Wheat Jaggery Cake, Healthy Eggless Wheat Cake recipe, best wholewheat cake recipe, Atta cake in kadai, healthy whole wheat cake, गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक, गुळ वापरून केलेला गव्हाच्या पिठाचा केक, desi style cake, सोप्या पद्धतीने तव्यात बनवा केक, cake recipe, easy cake recipe, cake recipe in marathi, gavhacha cake, whole wheat cake in marathi, Marathi Kitchen, atta cake recipe without egg, atta cake recipe in kadhai, aata cake without oven, aata cake in cooker, atta cake recipe in cooker, whole wheat cake recipe, wheat cake recipe without curd, atta cake, No sugar cake, गव्हाचा केक, गुळाचा केक, बिनसाखरेचा केक, Whole wheat cake using Jaggery, cake, gavhachya pithacha cake, wheat flour cake, healthy cake, gehu ke aate ka cake, how to make wheat flour cake at home, gavhacha cake recipe, MadhurasRecipe Marathi, Marathi Recipes, Village style recipes, Gavran Recipes, Whole wheat chocolate cake recipe, eggless chocolate cake recipe, wheat cake recipe without oven, wheat cake without oven recipe, wheat chocolate cake recipe eggless, wheat chocolate cake recipe in cooker, chocolate cake in cooker, chocolate cake recipe, how to make chocolate cake in cooker, cake in pressure cooker, atta cake recipe, gavacha pithacha cake, atta cake in marathi, sopnge cake, how to make atta cake, eggless cake, gavachya pithacha cake in marathi, gavacha cake, gavacha cake in marathi, gahu cake saicooking, gavacha cake sai cooking, saicooking, gahu cake recipe in marathi, gahu cake recipe, gavacha cake recipe in marathi, gharguti cake, lockdown recipe, gharguti sahityat cake, aata cake, special dish, Gavachya Pithacha Cake, गव्हाच्या पिठाचा बिन अंड्याचा चॉकलेट केक, बिना अंड्याचा केक, पिठाचा केक, गव्हाच्या पिठाचा मऊ जाळीदार व पौष्टीक केक, गव्हाचा केक रेसिपी, Eggless Wheat Cake, Eggless chocolate cake, Wheat Cake, kankecha cake #egglesscake #shymalisabhiruchi