Monday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time | September 26, 2022; 5:30PM

Monday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time | September 26, 2022; 5:30PM

Monday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time | September 26, 2022; 5:30PM ► MASS INTENTIONS For mass intentions, please call or text us at 09664978682 during office hours. ► OFFERINGS/DONATIONS If you wish to make a donation, you may make a direct deposit through the following bank accounts: GCASH and Maya: 0966-497-8682. BPI - Santa Maria Parish - 2690-0021-19 Union Bank - Santa Maria Parish - 000180021655 China Bank - Santa Maria Parish - 109900003120 Security Bank - Sta. Maria Parish - 591-039152-002 ► MASS SCHEDULE Our daily Mass schedules are as follows: Mondays to Fridays: 5:30PM Saturdays: 5:00PM (Anticipated Sunday Mass) Sundays: 6:00AM, 7:15AM, 8:30AM,10:00AM, 5:00PM and 6:15PM. ► SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS Facebook Account:   / santamaria.p.  . Facebook Page:   / ourladyofchina   Instagram:   / stamariapar.  . ► CONTACT INFORMATION You may contact us through the following: Email: [email protected] Landline numbers: (63 33) 337-5532, (63 33) 338-2245 Mobile number: 0966-497-8682 (including Viber, Telegram and WhatsApp) N.B. This video may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission from the Santa Maria Parish office. This includes extracts, quotations or summaries. #liveholymass #livemasstoday #livedailymass #ordinarytime