पैरों के तलवों में जलन होना || Burning Feet || पैरो में जलन का इलाज @DrRahulRathee
पैरों के तलवों में जलन होना || Burning Feet || पैरो में जलन का इलाज @Dr.Rahul_Rathee #burningfeet #diabetes #पैरोंमेंजलनकाइलाज #health #healthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthtips #पैरोंमेंजलन #neurobionforte #nervepain #पैरोंमेंजलन For business enquiries email- [email protected] Don't forget like comment share and subscribe 🙂 Dr.Rahul Rathee Your queries:- पैरो में जलन होना burning feet sugar diabetic neuropathy शुगर का इलाज burning sensation पेरो में झुनझुनाहट पैरो का सुन्न होना priking in feet neurobion forte tablet vitamin b12 burning sensation in feet pero me jalan hona pero me jalan ka ilaj pero me jalan ke Karan burning sensation in night burning feet home remedies burning feet treatment burning feet causes pero me jalan kyo hoti hai पैरों में जलन क्यों होती है पैरों में जलन के कारण Disclaimer:- Any information on diseases and treatment available at this channel is intended for general guidance. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.Our channel shall not be liable for any direct incidental consequential indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel. Wishing you good health fitness and happiness. Please 🙏 consult with a doctor before using any types of medications 💊 don't use medicine without doctor consultation. Thanks and regards 😊 =====Thanks for watching=====