How to Grow Lucky bamboo Soil & Water/Best Fertilizers for Lucky bamboo
Secret to Grow Lucky bamboo indoor/outdoor Fertilizers for Lucky bamboo Hello friends Nagina sharma welcomes you in our YouTube channel BOKARO GARDEN. This video is about how to grow and care your lucky bamboo indoor and outdoor. Lucky bamboo makes a great indoor plant because it can tolerate light shade and indirect sunlight. However, your bamboo will grow larger when exposed to bright light. This doesn't mean you should put your plant in full, direct sunlight, but keeping it in a bright room can increase its longevity. You can also fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth and prevent nutrient deficiencies Yellowing leaves or yellow stems on lucky bamboo can occur for a few reasons, including overwatering, chemicals in your water, exposure to too much direct light, temperature shifts, or over fertilization. Hope this video is helpful to you. Please watch, like, share, comment and subscribe Bokaro Garden for more videos. Thanks for watching. 🙏Come with me 🌴 BOKARO GARDEN - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTM3... HAPPY LIFE with Bokaro Garden - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7IH... Facebook - / nagina.sharma.106 Twitter -@Mnkad147 Instagram - bokaro_garden Blog - takluff.blogspot.com #secrettogrowluckybambooindoor#howtogrowluckybambooinwater#caretipsforluckybamboo#BokaroGarden#bestfertilizersforluckybamboo#