Everything we know about this Agatha all along game|Scarlet witch|Rio Vidal| Billy maximoff & more!
SUBSCRIBE!!! LETS GET TO 18k SUBS! What do y’all think? AgathaAA discord- / discord Agatha roblox group- https://www.roblox.com/communities/35... My discord- / discord Follow the gram for Robux- https://instagram.com/ahdariustfoster... time stamps- 00:00 AGATHA ALL ALONG 00:40 official release date? 01:17 mobile compatible? 01:51 game modes & different maps? 03:09 will there be characters besides witches? 03:39 confirmed characters so far 03:47 characters besides witches? 04:34 how balanced will the characters be? 05:39 how to get tester? 06:17 conclusion/extra info/gameplay roblox group- https://www.roblox.com/groups/7214443... Sub to my second channel here!- / @dtgreviews My PayPal- https://www.paypal.me/DariusTG My cashapp- https://cash.app/$Ahdarius Memberships- / @dariustgaming INTRO,OUTRO, & BACKGROUND MUSIC made by my friend sync- “j3loo# 5541” on discord. Be sure to hit him up for some fire custom music in my discord server. His commissions are open and very affordable! #DariusT_Gaming #Anime #Roblox #Gaming #Roadto15k #Trending #naruto #robloxanime #bloodlines #ArkhamDeluxe #borouto #No2 #shindolife #shinobilife2 #madarauchiha #sasukeuchiha #Roadto15ksubs #doctorstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness#scarletwitc h #wandamaximoff #wandavision#roblox #marvel #robloxmarvelenhanced#robloxmarvelgames #marvelinfinity#marvelinfinityroblox #marvelnewjourney#marvelstudios#darkhold #agathaharkness#multiverseofmadness #chaosmagic #robloxgames#heroesnewworld #ChroniclesofM #fo #foryoupage#xmen #avengers #marvelmagic #loki#billymaximoff #chthon #marvelinfinity #marvelnewjourney #heroesonlineworld #heroesonlineworldupdates #wiccan #speed #vision #wandavision #mariarambou #captainmarvel #darkphoenix #Momwanda #magneto #heroesonlineworld #Blink #musa #winx #DC #Dcuniverse #zatanna #wonderwoman #Dcreborn #El #strangerthings #magneto #starlight #theboys #sabrinna #XMEN #magneto #starlight #storm #humantorch #humantorchskins #lauren #atameve #promgwen #teven #eleven #stormy #strangerthings #winx #eleven #darkphoenix #marvelnewjourney #tierlist #marvelranking #DC:Reborn #DCUniverse #EmmaFrost #Momwanda #Dreamwalking #release #Anime #MHA #Katara #thelastairbender #avatarthelastairbender #tka #tka2 #ChroniclesofM #marvelenhanced #theforces #heroesmultiversalwars #Top5 #Upcomingrobloxgames #tvl2 #thevampirelegacies2 #thevampirelegacies2roblox #ironman #flamingo #Clickster #cloverretribution