St. Alfred's Episcopal Church Sunday Holy Eucharist Rite 2

St. Alfred's Episcopal Church Sunday Holy Eucharist Rite 2

St. Alfred's Episcopal Church, Palm Harbor, FL.  Holy Eucharist Rite 2 with Choir. The Rev. Peter A. Lane, Rector and Celebrant. The Rev. Larry Hooper, Preacher. Kevin V. Johnson, Organist and Choirmaster. Organ: 2023 Casavant Freres Op. 3951 III/33. Copyright Notice: What Wondrous Love is This - Dale Wood, Sacred Music Press; Sanctus and Agnus Dei (Mass in E) - Jeffrey Smith, MorningStar Music Publishers; Fugue in B Minor on a Theme by Corelli - J.S. Bach, Bärenreiter. One License Reprint and Podcast license number A-735961 Take Up Your Cross - Ronald Corp; Christ Be with Me - Noel Rawsthorne permission to reprint and podcast from St. James Music Press, ID number 8970.