Team Bublé’s Top 2 Artists; RESULTS | The Voice Playoffs Day 3 (11/26/24)
1 of my favourite artists from Team Bublé has made it into the Live Shows *DISCLAIMER: Nothing is being made off of these clips. Posted for entertainment. All rights go to ITVSGE The Voice, NBC Universal, ITV STUDIOS THE VOICE USA, WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT, INC., NBC, CTV, The Voice & ITV Studios* #thevoice #2024 #nbc #ctv #November #season26 #theplayoffs #playoffs #VoicePlayoffs #RebaMcEntire #MichaelBuble #SnoopDogg #GwenStefani #TeamReba #TeamBublé #TeamSnoop #TeamGwen #MegaMentor #CarlyPearce