Council with Closed Captions - 17 Jan 2022 - PART 2
Agenda HTML: https://meaford.civicweb.net/filepro/... Agenda PDF: https://meaford.civicweb.net/filepro/... 1. Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Moment of Reflection 4. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 6. Announcements 7. Public Participation a) Presentations Stacey McCarthy & Doug MacMillan, Letter M - Municipality of Meaford Communications Strategy b) Deputations on Agenda Items c) Public Questions 8. Council Inquiries 9. Motions and By-laws for Decision 9.1. Consent Agenda By-law 2022-01 - Election Recount Policy 9.2. Items for Consideration CAO2022-01 - Pre-budget Approval for new Finger Docks on Dock A (RFT-COM-PF-2022-03) 10. Committee of the Whole Motion to Move into Committee of the Whole Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Meaford hereby go into Committee of the Whole at _:_ p.m. 2022 Draft Budget a) 2022 Draft Operating Budget 2022 Draft Capital Budget Budget Enhancement #06 - Additional Enforcement Vehicle Budget Enhancement #01 - CAO & Records Management Coordinator Budget Enhancement #02 - Customer Service Clerk Budget Enhancement #05 - Seasonal Municipal Enforcement Officers Budget Enhancement #03 - Well-being Program Budget Enhancement #04 - Seasonal Facility Attendants Budget Enhancement #07 - South Georgian Bay Tourism Budget Council Enhancement #C01 - Georgian Trail Winter Grooming Draft Budget Approval Updates from members appointed to County Council, Committees & Local Boards b) County Council c) Other Boards and Committees Memos Delegated Authority - 2021 Q4 Council Directions - 2021 Q4 Motion to Move out of Committee of the Whole Be it resolved that Council of the Municipality of Meaford hereby move out of Committee of the Whole at _:_ p.m. 11. Councillor Motions 11.1. Notice of Motion 11.2. Motions for Decision 12. Adoption of Minutes a) Council Meeting - December 13, 2021 b) Closed Meeting - December 13, 2021 13. Communications Minutes - Economic Development Advisory Committee (November 10, 2021) Minutes - Bognor Hall Board (December 7, 2021) Transition Plan - Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (December 2021) Letter - Reopening Fund for Heritage Organizations Approval (December 16, 2021) Letter - Regulations for Bill 276 and Bill 13 (January 6, 2022) a) Correspondence List 17. Adjournment Agenda HTML: https://meaford.civicweb.net/filepro/... Agenda PDF: https://meaford.civicweb.net/filepro/...