I Tested vivo V50 Cameras to the Limit
Make your mobile shots perfect with Motion Array 👇 https://motionarray.com/?artlist_aid=... ----------------------------------------------------- Hi, Ani here. I did vivo v50 camera test to it's limit, and boy it is shocking. Especially vivo v50 cinematic video or the video test of the v50. But the v50 photos are.. well you'll see. It is one of the best phones under 35000 or even one of the top midrange phones of 2025. If your ecpectations are correct. Hope you'll like the presentation. ❤️🥂 ----------------------------------------------------- Want All my Background Music & SFX? With FREE trial? 👇 https://share.epidemicsound.com/anith... ----------------------------------------------------- Follow AniThing on Social media Facebook : / aninda.chakraborty.14 Insta : / anithing_to_create