Minecraft Quick video #3: Dynamic Lighting
This is a quick demonstration of a mechanic from a map I'm currently doing. It is fairly simple to make, it can be ran by 2 command blocks, one repeating and other chain, linked with it: 1st command: /execute @a ~0 ~0 ~0 /fill ~-3 ~0 ~-3 ~3 ~-3 ~3 minecraft:air 0 replace minecraft:redstone_torch 2nd command: /execute @a ~0 ~0 ~0 /fill ~0 ~-1 ~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 minecraft:redstone_torch 0 replace air Since I used redstone torches, they can trigger any command blocks/ redstone contraptions. I could had used normal torches, but I wanted a dimmer light. Also, beware, since this erases any previously-placed torches within 3 blocks from you