Change of Subjects, Group, Category in SSC/HSSC Exam Policy & Procedure Fbise
Change of elective Subject/Group/Category a. The students of affiliated institutions and private candidates will be permitted to change their subject(s)/Group of subjects once offered by them only in accordance with the conditions laid down in these rules. b. Elective subject(s)/Group offered by or allowed to regular students in class IX/ XI in the beginning of the session shall not be changed ordinarily. If however, change of elective subject(s)/Group is/are absolutely necessary in the interest of a student keeping in view his/her aptitude and interest, the change will be allowed provided the case is referred by Head of Institution and he/she is able to complete the required attendance in the changed subject(s)/Group. c. The change will be allowed only for a particular examination. d. After a candidate has appeared at SSC-II/HSSC-II Examination, he/she shall not be allowed to change any subject e. Change of category from regular to private after passing SSC-I/HSSC-I is allowed upto last date of submission of admission form. f. Application for change of subject(s) in case of regular candidate shall be entertained up to 30th November of that year. In case of private candidate, the permission for change of subject(s) may be obtained up to last date of submission of admission forms before commencement of examination with prior permission of Controller of Examinations (Conduct). g. The cases of candidates, which do not fall under any of these rules, may be referred, by the Head of the institution concerned, to the Chairman, who will decide each case on its merit. h. A candidate who seeks permission to change the group or subject offered by him shall give the option finally and the permission once issued will not be cancelled. i. A regular candidate failing at SSC-II/HSSC-II Annual Examination may reappear as ex-candidate of his respective institution within the allowed chances only in the same group and subjects which he offered in the last examination as a regular candidate. OR During the period specified for the attempts to clear the failed subjects/papers the candidate can get his/her elective groups/subjects (from practical to non-practical subjects only) changed in the current course however, specified period i.e. five subsequent attempts will remain the same. j. Before appearing, at part-I of the SSC/HSSC Examination, a student may with the permission of the Principal, change one or more elective subjects in the same group of subjects provided he is able to complete the required attendance in the changed subject(s) or Group of subjects during the Academic year. k. After a candidate has appeared in Part-I of SSC/HSSC Examination he will not be allowed to change any individual subject or subjects except in exceptional cases which would be referred to the Chairman whose decision shall be final. l. A student having appeared in SSC Part-I /HSSC Part-I Examination as a private candidate may change his category from private to regular and seek admission in Class X/XII, provided: (1) The Head of affiliated institution is prepared to admit him in class X/XII on the basis of class IX/XI result. (2) He can change his/her subject(s) /groups as indicated by him in the admission form for Class IX/XI. However at HSSC level if the candidate opt subject involving Practical of any group he/she must had opted Science Group at SSC level. (3) Change of category from private to regular is allowed up to 30th November. #englishkeys #fbise_exams #electivesubjects #fbiseexams #additionalsubjects #sscexam #hsscexam