30 MIN EXPLOSIVE HIIT+ KETTLEBELL Strength Workout | Full BODY | No repeat

30 MIN EXPLOSIVE HIIT+ KETTLEBELL Strength Workout | Full BODY | No repeat

#kettlebell #kettlebellworkout #hiit #strength In this 30 Min Kettlebell + BODYWEIGHT HIIT Workout, we will be doing a complex set workout consisting of 20 complex sets in total. Each set will include 2 exercises for 35 sec. Rest between sets 20 sec. None of the activities are repeated. Don't forget to warm up first!    • 10 min full body WARM UP routine | Fo...   If you like a mix of strength and cardio, write me a message in the comments. Such workouts are among the metabolic workouts that are considered the most effective for burning fat and building muscle. Remember: we all are different, so are our levels of fitness. Make every single workout YOUR OWN. Also make sure to maintain a proper form while exercising. Feel free to rest some more if needed. 🙏🏼 You are ready? Let's HIIT! 0:00:17-0:29:58 | HIIT HIGH PULL – JUMP RANGER - REV PUSH UP - LUNGE HIGH PULL – JUMP OPP 4X TOUCH N GO - WALK PLANK 4X ROW - RANGER FRONT SQUAT JUMP TWIST REV LUNGES THRUSTER 4X BUTT KICK - 4X HIGH KNEES PULLOVER SIT UP 4X RUSSIAN TWIST LEG RAISE HIP LIFT - ROLL TAPS AMERICAN SWINGS 4 JACK - BURPEE GORILLA SQUAT JUMP SWING FAST CLIMBER SQUAT CURL PRESS HALF BURPEE JUMP STRAIGHT LEGS TAKEOVER LUNGE HIGH KNEES JACK - ТУТ У МЕНЯ ОТДЫХ, ОБРЕЗАТЬ ALT THRUSTER CRAB ARMY PUSH UP PLANK 4X LUNGE FRONTAL RAISE 4X POINTS - TUCK UP TRICEPS PRESS GLUTE BRIDGE PLANK 180 PUSH UP CURTSY SWING LONG JUMP WALK SQUAT - СНОВА ОТДЫХ 2 STEPS JACKKNIFE TOE PLANK JUMPING OVER AROUND SQUAT FAST FEET KNEELING COMMANDO KNEELING LUNGE JUMP KNEE DEVIL PRESS SKATER SIDE PLANK - ROW GORILLA JUMP UP SIDE PLANK - ROW OPP 4X LOWER PLANK JACЕ - 4X HIGH PLANK BUTT KICK ALT SWING FAST RANGE YOU DID IT! AWESOME! 0:30:23-0:34:24 | COOL DOWN ★ Subscribe to my YouTube Fitness Channel:    / @hit_burn   ♥ Follow me on Instagram: https://goo.su/4QKQgZ ♥ Follow me on Facebook: https://goo.su/rUYb 🎵 Music: https://goo.su/7JJRJY 📽️ EDIT: https://www.fiverr.com/egorvideo?up_r... If you want to support me, then treat me to a cup of coffee ☕https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lenahiit P.s. This channel is for improving our fitness and health. 💪🏼 Be sure to check your health with a professional medic before you start exercising to avoid injury or harm. You perform fitness exercises without supervision, so you perform them at your own risk. My advice to you is: start with easy (alternative) exercises and make sure you feel safe before doing the difficult exercises. Hit&burn is not responsible for any injury or damage caused to you as a result of watching this video. Your Lena 💚