How to FIX or CANCEL a Stuck Pending Ethereum Mainnet transaction? | OpenSea | Metamask Transfer

How to FIX or CANCEL a Stuck Pending Ethereum Mainnet transaction? | OpenSea | Metamask Transfer

How to cancel a Stucked Ethereum Mainnet transaction? | OpenSea | Metamask Transfer Hey everyone, I know many of you are stucked in Ethereum Transaction while going for low gas fees on OpenSea or minting NFTs. I have a solution for you to cancel the ethereum transaction and it is so simple. Comment your questions below and I will answer it as best as I can. LOVE YOU GUYS AND THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT Please like, share, and subscribe to support this channel! Thank you for watching this video. I hope to see you in the next video. Till then, you can follow me on my social media links below:   / iamparthpatel     / officialparth     / officialparth