How to see someone's friends list in snapchat - Full guide 2023

How to see someone's friends list in snapchat - Full guide 2023

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Snapchat does not provide a feature that allows you to view someone else's complete friends list. Snapchat is designed to be a more private and ephemeral messaging platform, and it prioritizes user privacy. You can only see your own friends on Snapchat. If you want to see someone else's friends list on Snapchat, you would need access to their account, which is not recommended and may violate Snapchat's terms of service. It's important to respect the privacy and security of others' accounts and not engage in unauthorized access or any form of hacking. If you have a legitimate reason to connect with someone on Snapchat, you can send them a friend request using their username or Snapcode. They will have the option to accept or decline your request. Remember that online privacy and security are essential, and it's important to use social media platforms like Snapchat responsibly and ethically. If you have concerns about your own privacy on Snapchat, review your privacy settings and take appropriate steps to protect your account.