Diamond Casino Heist Prep - (Infiltration Suits Ft. Zancudo -  Silent & Sneaky)

Diamond Casino Heist Prep - (Infiltration Suits Ft. Zancudo - Silent & Sneaky)

The Merryweather variation of the Infiltration Suit Prep mission for the Diamond Casino Heist is a prep mission where you are sent to Fort Zancudo, kill Merryweather agents and then hack a panel to gain access to the warehouse that contains the suits. Make sure you follow the directions in the video or else you will be in a spawn kill marathon with the Military Tanks and Merryweather for about 20-30 minutes, which in this video series our objective is to complete the missions as quick and as hassle free as possible. #GTAV #GTA5 #diamondcasinoheist #silentandsneaky #diamond #casino #heist #prepmission #prep #easy #fast #easywaytomakemoney #rockstar #k4iz3ng4ming #kaizengaming #grandtheftauto #howto #DIY #infiltrationsuits #prepmissions #merryweather #fortzancudo #military Music Credit: Crack! by MBD - Minor Brain Damage (Original Mix) Song Link:    • Minor Brain Damage - Crack! by MBD (O...   Minor Brain Damage Link: Unknown *Disclaimer* We do not make any claims to the music in this video, we just added it because its an amazing song and for the viewers enjoyment during the video.