Resident Evil 2 Remake (Armory Location Guide 1/4: Leon's Weapons & Custom Parts) PS4 Gamechive

Resident Evil 2 Remake (Armory Location Guide 1/4: Leon's Weapons & Custom Parts) PS4 Gamechive

This "Armory Location Guide (Part 1 of 4): Leon's Weapons & Custom Parts" Gameplay Video features the location for every weapon and custom part (upgrade) for Leon S. Kennedy as found throughout Capcom's Resident Evil 2 Remake video game. Locations are specified with segments from a no commentary Leon S. Kennedy 1st Run (A Scenario) and 2nd Run (B Scenario). Note: If starting with a 2nd Run, all weapons/custom parts can be obtained in that playthrough. Trophies, Records, and Rewards are shown as relevant. Intro - 00:00:00 Weapon #1: Matilda (Default) - 00:00:10 Part #1: High-Capacity Mag. [Matilda] (R.P.D./West Office); Trophies/Records: The Basics of Survival, Customizer - 00:00:31 Solve the two dial locks on Leon's desk: Left [N-E-D], Right [M-R-G]. (Combine two items together. Reward: Concept Art - Raccoon City A; Customize a weapon. Reward: Model - Marvin Branagh) Weapon #2: W-870 Shotgun (R.P.D./Safety Deposit Room) - 00:02:27 Obtain the Weapons Locker Card in the 2F Art Room (on table) on R.P.D.'s east side. (Get there via 2F Waiting Room, Spade Key req.) Go to the Safety Deposit Room (opposite West Office) and use card in back. Part #2: Gun Stock [Matilda] (R.P.D./Parking Garage) - 00:03:32 Use Car Key (found inside Tin Storage Box in Firing Range) in parking garage to open police cruiser trunk. Part #3: Muzzle Brake [Matilda] (R.P.D./2F Waiting Room) - 00:06:22 Open the safe behind the desk (6-L, 2-R, 11-L). Weapon #3: Lightning Hawk (R.P.D./S.T.A.R.S. Office) - 00:07:27 Solve a series of puzzles to obtain the S.T.A.R.S. Badge. First, grab the "Red Book (Art Object)" from the Library. Then go to the Art Room and get the "Statue's Left Arm." Combine the red book with the statue's arm to get "Left Arm with Book." Then use that on the statue to get a Scepter. Examine it to get the Red Jewel. Afterward, find the Bejeweled Box in the Interrogation Room (Club Key required, found in Boiler Room), and combine it with the jewel. [Note: On a 2nd Run, the Bejeweled Box will be in the 2F Shower Room instead.] This yields the badge. Go to the S.T.A.R.S. Office and use the badge ("USB Dongle Key") on the computer to unlock the armory where the Lightning Hawk is stored. Part #4: Long Barrel [W-870] (Gun Shop) - 00:10:49 On a shelf inside Kendo's Gun Shop. Ada's Weapon: Broom Hc (Default) - 00:11:43 Part #5: Stock [W-870] (Sewers/Treatment Pool Room) - 00:12:05 Inside the Treatment Pool Room (right side) is a safe [2-L, 12-R, 8L] . Weapon #4: Chemical Flamethrower (Sewers/Supplies Storage Room) - 00:13:48 First, obtain the T-Bar Valve in the Treatment Pool Room. Then, head to the Supplies Storage Room (lowest point in sewers). Solve the plugs puzzle to find it mounted on a wall. Part #6: Red Dot Sight [Lightning Hawk] (R.P.D./S.T.A.R.S. Office) - 00:16:47 Grab the Sewers Key in the bottom waterway area. Then, take the lift to the Workroom to find the "Hiding Place" film roll. Use the Sewers Key to unlock the Treatment Facility (Workers' Break Room), move the lockers in the back, and take the lift up to the Underground Facility. (Obtain Part #7 along the way if haven't already. [18.46]) Go back into R.P.D. (via Secret Room, use T-Bar Valve) [Note: 2nd Run doesn't need the valve] to the Darkroom to develop "Hiding Place" film roll. Once developed, head to the S.T.A.R.S Office and check the desk drawer. Part #7: Long Barrel [Lightning Hawk] (Underground Facility) - 00:18:45 [See Part #6 for how to get here. Note: In the 2nd Run, get this part earlier, just before the G (Stage 1) boss fight.] In the Underground Facility, go to the S.T.A.R.S. case, then use the S.T.A.R.S. Badge. Weapon #2: W-870 Shotgun [Alt Location] (NEST/Security Room) - 00:21:49 Alternatively, the shotgun (instead of ammo) can appear on a table in the Security Room if not previously obtained. Part #8: Regulator [Chemical Flamethrower] (NEST/Nap Room); Record: Packed Pockets - 00:22:05 Head through the Cafeteria to get to the Nap Room. It's inside a locker. (Obtain all the custom parts in Leon's story. Reward: Model - Broom Hc) Weapon #5: Anti-tank Rocket (NEST/Super Tyrant Boss Fight) - 00:24:06 Found on the ground during the Super Tyrant boss battle. Weapon #6: M19 (R.P.D./Courtyard) [2nd Only]; Record: Gun Fanatic - 00:24:48 Grab the Bolt Cutter in the courtyard and use on guard room door. (Obtain all the weapons in Leon's story. Model - Robert and Emma Kendo) --- Subscribe: Twitter: Donate: Standard License: Assets found on this channel (e.g., branding, images, videos, descriptions, etc.) may only be viewed on YouTube for personal enjoyment. Unauthorized use of this content (e.g., downloads, distribution, reuse, or remixing) is prohibited. © Gamechive #re2 / #residentevil2 / #residentevil / #longplay / #nocommentary / #playthrough / #walkthrough / #gameplay / #gamechive / #gamechives