plan your dream garden in 1 min! #flowergarden #gardeningtips #flowerarrangement

plan your dream garden in 1 min! #flowergarden #gardeningtips #flowerarrangement

If you are wasting WAY too much time trying to plan your cut flower garden, this dynamic template will save you countless hours every season! I spent over 100 hours coding a calendar to be flexible and powerful enough to re-use year after year, because nothing like it exists -- and I didn't like downloading apps or paying for subscriptions for programs I couldn't modify. So many people loved the veggie version, this cut flower version was demanded! This is the only flexible calendar that can plan a year-round cut flower schedule in only 3 steps, even if you’re a new gardener or not tech savvy. This calendar is for you if you’re looking to: Stop googling every flower's days-to-maturity or plant-out date Instantly visualize your year Update your frost dates & update every flower's schedule automatically Learn how to grow more cut flowers quickly Remember when to buy bulbs See which flowers you can fall-sow in your zone This digital calendar will replace the time you spend planning with time outdoors in your garden. 🌻 It is easy enough for people without Excel/Google Sheets experience to use, but also easily modifiable for experienced users. 🎥 This document INCLUDES an easy, how-to video to walk you through using it. 🎥 I use these templates with my 1:1 private garden clients and we can lay out the entire year in under an hour without google-searching when everything is ready to harvest or how many weeks before frost it needs to be started indoors. If you dream of a thriving cut flower garden or farm, this calendar will make it so much easier. #Gardening #CutFlowers #GardenPlanning #FloricultGardens #GardenCalendar