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6 months Baby Foods | Baby Food Chart | Stage 1 Homemade Baby Food Recipes | @RoshanAnkita In this video lets see how to prepare stage 1 homemade solid foods. #babyfood #babyfoodideas #babyfoodchart डाइट चार्ट 6 महिने के बच्चे के लिए | Baby Diet Chart #babydiet #babyfood ♥♥♥ Roshan & Ankita is a channel created to share personal experiences with its audiencesnone of the recommendations of this channel are sponsored by any company or product. We do not endorse any particular brand or company. We also are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor before taking any medication or trying any remedy suggested in our videos. As each baby is different recommendations on this channel may not work for you, and should not be considered as an excuse to not visit your doctor or consult a medical practitioner♥♥♥ Cerelac recipes videos link - 1. Dal Cerelac • Homemade Cerelac for 6... 2. Suji/ Poha/ oats Cerelac • 3 Homemade Cerelac for... Subscribe to our channel for more such videos #6monthsbaby #babyfood #6monthbabyfoods #cutebaby #babycerelac #babynutrition #babydiet #food #healtyfoodforbaby #babydiet Contact for business and general enquiries [email protected] #babyfoodrecipies #6monthbabyfoods #6montholdbaby #babyfood #babyfoodidea #babyfoodtips