How to Touch a Woman to Turn Her On: 5 Places Most Guys Miss #shorts

How to Touch a Woman to Turn Her On: 5 Places Most Guys Miss #shorts

Things I Recommend: How to Touch a Woman – 10 Places Women Like to Be Touched How to Touch a Woman – 10 Places Women Like to Be Touched Touches play a critical part in communication between people. Romantic relationships with women are an area where touching is especially important. Do you know that a man’s success with women largely depends on whether he knows how to touch a woman's body properly? After all, this is a whole art. With the help of touches, you can send a girl various signals about what you want from her. Today, we are going to talk about the 10 most sensitive parts of a woman body and give some useful tips on how to touch her. Some Tips on Learning How to Touch a Particular Woman Typically, women are kinesthetic in nature. It means that their tactile perception prevails over vision, hearing, and other senses. The body of a woman is covered with a much larger number of receptors than the body of a man. And the number of these receptors is greater in certain parts of the body called erogenous zones. Women, knowing their sensitivity to touching, unconsciously touch their interlocutors on average up to six times more often than men. Touches are a special language with the help of which people show and convey their feelings and emotions to each other. For women, touching plays the role of relaxation and the manifestation of tender feelings and care. The touches of a loved one or just an attractive person allow a girl to feel desired, increase her self-esteem, and create a sense of peace and well-being. Therefore, it is impossible to build a romantic relationship with a woman without gentle touching. It not only maintains an emotional connection but also establishes and develops it. That is why many pickup artists recommend exploring the most sensitive parts of a woman and learning how to touch a woman and get her excited. Most women know the answer to the question, “Where do guys like to be touched while kissing?” But men have some problems when wondering about the same thing in relation to women. So where do girls like to be touched? 1. Lobe of the ear The lobes are one of the most powerful erogenous zones, so take this fact into account. Also, do not forget about the area behind the ears. However, you should do everything gently and not very quickly. You can pass one hand over the hair of a woman and caress her ear with the second. Very few guys pay attention to the ears, almost leaving this zone unattended. If you know each other for some time and have already moved to a new level of intimacy, you can caress the lobes of her ears with your lips. She will get a big wallop out of such touching. But you should not do this if you have met each other recently. Moreover, make sure that a girl really likes these touches. Some women have too sensitive ears and do not like them to be touched. 2. Knees A very small number of men pay attention to this particular part of the women’s body, preferring the hips. But girls really like when men touch their knees. If a lady wears sort dresses and skirts, use this chance and touch her knees. By the way, note that the knees are one of the erogenous zones of the female body. So do not leave this part of the body out of consideration when touching a woman's body. 3. Lower curves behind the backhow to touch a woman's body Another place where to touch a woman is lower curves behind the back. You can do this while hugging her. In general, hugs are very important for the weaker sex as thus, they feel your affection and care. Try to devote special attention to cuddles and make such a gesture as often as possible. So, when you hug a girl you like, put one hand on her lower back and start caressing it slowly and gently. If you walk somewhere together, you can put your hand on her lower back as if by chance and keep walking. Single women really like these touches. 4. Collarbones and shoulders If a girl comes on a date wearing a dress, blouse, or T-shirt that denudes her shoulders and collarbones, be sure to touch them. First, tenderly touch her shoulder with your fingertips. Then, you can gently run a finger from her shoulder to collarbone – it will slightly arouse the girl. You can even kiss these parts of her wonderful body. It will bring the girl even more pleasure.