UNLIMITED POWER!! The Wizard Build To Rule Them All! 400M/Minute [Diablo Immortal]

UNLIMITED POWER!! The Wizard Build To Rule Them All! 400M/Minute [Diablo Immortal]

BEHOLD MY CREATION! Insane DPS for the Wizard class with the current new essence we have in the game! The one and only build for everything PvE. Maximum mobility and damage in Open World farm, Dungeons, Raids, Terror Rifts, Oblivion Pillars, Hellslayer Bounties, Abyssal Verge & Erebban! Very fun to play and 400M damage per minute on dummy Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:57 Skills, Essence & Mechanics 07:53 Sets 09:00 Legendary Gems 10:49 Reforges 11:15 Paragon & Legendary Skill 12:07 1-minute Damage test 13:45 Gameplay 17:12 Important Tips! 18:30 Variation 1 (Teleport) 19:24 Variation 2 (Meteor) 21:28 Outro Follow me on twitch@   / ma0o0o   Link to my DI Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Latest DI Uploads:    • Diablo Immortal   Tempest Builds:    • Tempest Builds [Diablo Immortal]   Crusader Builds:    • Crusader Builds [Diablo Immortal]   Wizard Builds:    • Wizard Builds [Diablo Immortal]   Barbarian Builds:    • Barbarian Builds [Diablo Immortal]   Server (EU Cluster): Dark Wanderer/The Ancients/Hellforge/Archbishop Lazarus/Trade Consortium/Yshari Sanctum/Gharbad the Weak/The Borderlands/Stygian Fury/Frost Horrors/Frozen Orb/Gardens of Hope #diabloimmortal #mobilegame