Hags wants to leave! (Battlefield Bad Company 2)

Hags wants to leave! (Battlefield Bad Company 2)

Hags wants to leave! (Battlefield Bad Company 2) We begin the playthrough of my no commentary walkthrough of Battlefield Bad Company 2. I hope you all enjoy! ► Checkout my other channels! LET'S PLAYS →    / @whytwotuck  . NO COMMENTARY →    / @whythreetuck.  . ► Follow me! DISCORD →   / discord   INSTAGRAM →   / whythetuck   MERCH STORE → https://whythetuck.creator-spring.com TIKTOK →   / whythetuck   TIKTOK 2 →   / whytwotuck   TWITTER →   / whythetuck   TWITCH →   / whythetuck   Use code "WhyTheTuck" at checkout for 15% off Raze Energy or other REPP Sports products here: https://reppsports.com/ My Amazon storefront where everything I use on my setup is listed for purchase here: https://amzn.to/49hFK3Z Airborne! (NO COMMENTARY) | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Walkthrough | ULTRA HD #gaming #whythetuck #nocommentary TAGS IGNORE: no commentary,no commentary gameplay,pc gameplay,no commentary walkthrough,battlefield bad company 2,battlefield bad company 2 gameplay,walkthrough,gameplay,operation aurora bad company 2,battlefield bad company 2 operation aurora,battlefield bad company 2 mission 1,battlefield bad company 2 full gameplay,battlefield bad company 2 campaign,battlefield bad company 2 walkthrough,operation aurora,operation aurora battlefield,battlefield bad company 2 gameplay pc