Kharaj Ka Riyaz I Daily Vocal Warm Up I Morning Riyaz I Tutorial - 2 I Paromita Ghosh
For Online / Offline Classes (Bangalore), Whatsapp - 9742566601 Let us know in the comments below, what you practice for riyaz every morning and what kind of riyaz techniques you expect in the upcoming videos!! Daily Morning Riyaz & Its Importance: Be it a vocalist or instrumentalist, sound engineer or performer, practice is a must to sharpen their skills. Practicing music is called Riyaz. Regular practice helps in keeping the voice in tune, hitting the notes right and modulating it properly. Mornings are the perfect time for Riyaz. If enthusiasts practice the basic notes every morning, they will have a strong musical foundation. Staying on a single note in one breath and prolonged humming can strengthen tonal quality. WHY DO KHARAJ KA RIYAZ Kharaj riyaz is basically practicing singing notes in Mandra Saptak (lower octave). Kharaj Practice also improves ability to sing higher notes. This special video talks about the right technique for practicing Kharaj and includes nearly 20 minutes of Riyaz (2 Exercises) that should be done daily or atleast thrice a week. Hope this video will help you in starting your musical journey without any doubt in your mind. May Ma Saraswati Bless Us All. Happy Learning! Scale : C scale (Safed 1) Introduction : 0:00 What is Kharaj Riyaz : 0:12 What is Lower Octave : 1:25 Benefits of Kharaj Ka Riyaz : 2:15 Exercise 1: 2:52 Exercise 2: 14:55 #vocaltutorial #riyazvideo #dailyriyaz #riyaztutorials #indianclassicalmusic #kharaj #loweroctavepractice #dailyroutine #musiclearning #onlinemusiclessons #practicewithme #dailyriyaz #paromitaghosh #hindustaniclassicalmusic #sakariyaz #sa_practice #mandrasaptak