Say GOODBYE to Irregular Period Problem | Effective Drink for PCOS @WinWithWellbeing #shorts #pcos
Ingredients: @WinWithWellbeing #shorts 1. Boil 1 Glass of Water. 2. Add half-inch of grated Ginger to it. (Ginger is a powerful root that is highly recommended in regulating the menstrual cycle. It helps contract the uterus which facilitates kick-starting the period) 3. Add 2 Cloves to it. (Clove helps to reduce bloating & mainly Inflammation.) 4. Add 2 Black Pepper to it. (Black pepper contains zinc, a potent antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and improves fertility.) 5. Add half Star Anise to it & Boil. (Taking anise extract one week before menstruation, and continuing for 3 days after, improves symptoms of PMS.) 6. Add One Cinnamon stick into pieces & give a good boil to it. (Cinnamon can help regulate insulin levels in your body, which may have an effect on other hormones and the menstrual cycle. In women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who often have high insulin levels and irregular periods, cinnamon can cause a more regular menstrual cycle.) 7. Turn off the flame, Cover for 10 Minutes. 8. Add Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass/cup, and then strain the drink into it. (Turmeric has an antispasmodic effect on the body, which expands the uterus and induces menstruation.) mix well. 9. Drink this magical solution to regular your periods. Note: You can have it in the evening at snack time or before bed. Don't drink more than 1 Cup in a day. also, make sure you always add turmeric to the glass, don't add it to boiling water & boil it. #drinkforpcos #irregularperiods #cureirregularperiods #curepcoPeriodsProblem#1 DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should NOT be considered professional advice. I have provided the Information from My own Experience, but You can Always Consult Your Physician before proceeding. Please do not use any photos or content without prior permission. Thank you for your support.