Today's Catholic Gospel Reading & Mass Reflection - Saturday, December 9, 2023
Today's Gospel Reading & Gospel Reflection - Saturday, December 9, 2023 ( Mass Readings) - Catholic Gospel Reading and Mass Reflection Saturday of the First Week of Advent 1st Reading Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26 Responsorial Psalm Psalms 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 The Acclamation Isaiah 33:22 Gospel Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5A, 6-8 Today’s Reflection on the Readings My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, According to the gospel of today, Jesus battled against injustice, healed all illnesses, and put in a lot of effort as a traveling teacher. People followed Him everywhere, and when He saw them, He felt sympathy for them because they were lost and in distress. My dear friends, We are called to be sent as disciples of Jesus. We are called to compassion, which is the deep desire to react to the needs of others selflessly and lovingly. We are obligated to offer ourselves as a channel for God's healing power and as His spokespersons, spreading the good news of His kingdom across the world. My dear family of Mother Mary’s Protection, Let's all pray to the Lord for the strength to act, even when it is difficult. Let us pray for the ability to discern from His will when and what He wants us to fulfill. Prayer Thank you, Lord, for being who you are. I adore you and I trust in your constant presence and infinite mercy. Even so, Lord—you know how weak I am—please strengthen my faith, hope, and love. Please ignite your love within me so that I can spread it to others. Amen. I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace, joy, and faithful friendship in your life and with your family. Join our community, share your thoughts, and find solace and strength in the loving protection of Mother Mary. Subscribe now and embark on a spiritual journey with us. / mothermarysprotection Please comment below on your prayers and needs. We will pray for you. gospel reading for today, gospel reading for today catholic, gospel reading for today with reflection, gospel reading for today english, gospel reading reflection tomorrow, today gospel reading catholic, gospel reading tomorrow, gospel reading for tomorrow, daily gospel reading, gospel reading for today with reflection, gospel reading and reflection today, gospel reading yesterday, gospel reflection, gospel reflection today, gospel reflection of tomorrow, gospel reflection for tomorrow, daily gospel reflection, tomorrow gospel reflection for meditation, catholic gospel reflection for tomorrow, gospel reflection for saturday, today's gospel reading and reflection 2023, advent, advent season --------------------------------------------------------- #GospelReadingforToday #TodayGospelReading #GospelReflectionToday #GospelReadingforTodayCatholic #GospelReadingforTodaywithReflection #MotherMarysProtection #advent #adventseason