285Hz Arcsin Wave - Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone - Harmony, Natural healing, High dimensional rise
instruction -285Hz Arcsin Wave - Solfeggio Frequency Pure Tone Volume at which it does not feel uncomfortable *Playable simultaneously with other music. However, the effect is halved. *There is no problem with long-term playback, but there is no change in the case of playback about 15 minutes. *Although there are individual differences, the effect lasts about 3 to 4 hours. Pure Tone Unlike musical tones (sometimes called monophones), they do not have any frequency components (overtones) that are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency. It does not exist in nature. Arcsin Wave - When expressing a sound by a waveform, we call it a sinusoidal one which is drawn by a curve of the interval of the shape of the wave, and call it a function of sine wave inverse function. 174hz Sine Wave • 174hz Sine Wave - Solfeggio Frequency... 174hz Square Wave • 174hz Square Wave - Solfeggio Frequen... 174hz Triangle Wave • 174hz Triangle Wave - Solfeggio Frequ... 174hz Arcsin Wave • 174hz Arcsin Wave - Solfeggio Frequen... 285hz Sine Wave • 285Hz Sine Wave - Solfeggio Frequency... 285hz Square Wave • 285Hz Square Wave - Solfeggio Frequen... 285hz Triangle Wave • 285Hz Triangle Wave - Solfeggio Frequ... 285hz Arcsin Wave • 285Hz Arcsin Wave - Solfeggio Frequen... 528hz Sine Wave • 528hz Sine Wave - Solfeggio Frequency... 528hz Square Wave • 528hz Square Wave - Solfeggio Frequen... 528hz Triangle Wave • 528hz Triangle Wave - Solfeggio Frequ... 528hz Arcsin Wave • 528hz Arcsin Wave - Solfeggio Frequen... The effect of Solfegio frequency 285 hz is "Perception of multidimensional region". The point world is one dimensional. The world of the line is two dimensional. A three-dimensional world with height added to the line is three-dimensional. A world that adds time to a three-dimensional world is a four-dimensional world where we live. The "perception of multidimensional region" of the effect of Solfegio frequency 285 hz,It is to perceive the world of more than four dimensions. The five-dimensional world is "the world of consciousness". By conscious of the world beyond the substance "world of consciousness" through 285 Hz,I got an inspiration that I did not think about, It became possible to imagine that consciousness expanded and thought that it was impossible,It will guide you to realize it. Also, by expanding consciousness, we will accelerate & expand the evolution in the real world. Through inspiration, it helps us to create a better reality. As the consciousness expands and evolves, the part hidden in the shadow, forcibly hiding,It will be illuminated by the gentle healing light. By shielding the part of the shadow, you will not be afraid of expressing the true self. The frequency of 285 Hertz is the frequency that produces truth and wisdom. It balances consciousness and helps to accelerate and expand consciousness in multidimensional. All shadows are illuminated by gentle healing light and your power is shaped. It helps to express the true self. The solfegio frequency of 285 Hz resonates with the dimensional space making up the universe. With the perception spreading to the astral world and the spirit world,Chaotic souls and diseases are healed. It is said that the soul shifts from the area of darkness to the world of light. #SolfeggioFrequency #285hz #ArcinWave #PureTone