고라니 / 태어난지 2시간된 아기고라니 발견~/ Inermis. Two-hour-old baby.
태어난지 2시간정도된 아기 고라니 발견 Inermis Two-hour-old baby 부모님 집근처에서 고라니가 새끼를 낳고 산으로 휙~ 했다는데 이녀석들 우리어머니를 엄마로 생각했는지 졸졸 따라 다녔다고 합니닷 엄마가 사라진 고라니 2마리 물도주고 했는데 잘 안마시고 걱정되서 어미가 새끼낳았던 산쪽에 놓아주었더니 어미 고라니에게 잘돌아갔다고 합니다 아기고라니 이쁘구만~ Near my parents' house, an elk found a baby I heard they were going to the mountains after giving birth They thought my mother was their mother, and they followed her around Two elk whose mother disappeared I gave him water, but he didn't drink much I was worried, so I let her go to the mountain where she gave birth She says she's well returned to her mother, Gorani What a beautiful baby! 이재형 페이스북 이재형 인스타그램 블로그 #고라니 #아기고라니 #유기고라니