23rd Sunday After Pentecost (October 27, 2024) - Very Rev. Noah Lawson

23rd Sunday After Pentecost (October 27, 2024) - Very Rev. Noah Lawson

We’d love to connect with you next Sunday either here online or in-person at 1300 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 101, Fresno, CA! For service times and more info visit emmanuelfresno.org/plan-your-visit Don’t miss a message subscribe at @emmanuelanglicanfresno Emmanuel Anglican Church is a vibrant and welcoming community rooted in the unchanging gospel of Jesus Christ, committed to rich gospel-centered discipleship, hungering for the in-filling, presence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit and seeking to love our world in the name of Jesus Christ. For more information on Emmanuel Anglican Church visit emmanuelfresno.com