Resident Evil 5: Walkthrough Part 14 - Veteran Difficulty - Chapter 3-2 - Oil Field - Dock Escape!

Resident Evil 5: Walkthrough Part 14 - Veteran Difficulty - Chapter 3-2 - Oil Field - Dock Escape!

Follow on Twitch -   / aloversgaming   Support the channel on Patreon -   / aloversgaming   My "Resident Evil 5 Walkthrough" "Resident Evil 5". Boy, is this a game. Off the hot heels of the all time classic Resident Evil 4, Capcom took feedback of Leon's adventure and applied it to RE5. The negative feedback? Game too long, not enough action. RE4 sure did bring a whole host of new so-called fans to the series, and Capcom listened. So, here's RE4, but now it's just non-stop shooting. On the bright side; the story returned to a more serious form and Chris Redfield was redesigned into his most inconic and popular look to date. Also; there's Sheva, an intelligent and skilled fighter with a strong sense of justice who has faced her own share of loss. Together Chris and Sheva team up to take down a threat to Africa. Similar to what Leon faced in Spain, but with a more dangerous person running the shots this time round that make Saddler look small time. Resident Evil 5 is playable in split-screen coop and that easily made RE5 one of the most replayable and addicting video games i've ever encountered. The years i've put into this game won't show in this playthrough, but damn was I hooked on Chris' adventure for a long time. I hope you enjoy this playthrough of Resident Evil 5. It was a lot of fun. Mostly thanks to Sheva being a spaz. I want her back, Capcom! More on Resident Evil 5 below: Resident Evil 5 is a third-person shooter with an over-the-shoulder perspective. Players can use several weapons including handguns, shotguns, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, and grenade launchers, as well as melee attacks. Players can make quick 180-degree turns to evade enemies. The game involves boss battles, many of which contain quick time events. As in its predecessor Resident Evil 4, players can upgrade weapons with money and treasure collected in-game and heal themselves with herbs, but cannot run and shoot at the same time. New features include infected enemies with guns and grenades, the ability to upgrade weapons at any time from the inventory screen without having to find a merchant, and the equipping of weapons and items in real-time during gameplay. Each player can store nine items. Unlike the previous games, the item size is irrelevant; a herb or a grenade launcher each occupy one space, and four items may be assigned to the D-pad. The game features puzzles, though fewer than previous titles. Resident Evil 5 is the first game in the Resident Evil series designed for two-player cooperative gameplay. The player controls Chris, a former member of the fictional Special Tactics and Rescue Service (STARS) and member of the BSAA, and a second player can control Sheva, who is introduced in this game. If a person plays alone, Sheva is controlled by the game's artificial intelligence (AI). When the game has been completed once, there is an option to make Sheva the primary character. Two-player mode is available online or split screen with a second player using the same console. A second player joining a split screen game in progress will make the game reload the last checkpoint (the point at which the game was last saved); the second player joining an online game will have to wait until the first player reaches the next checkpoint, or restarts the previous one, to play. In split-screen mode, one player's viewpoint is presented in the top half of the screen, and the other in the bottom half, but each viewpoint is presented in widescreen format, rather than using the full width of the screen, resulting in unused space to the left and right of the two windows. If one player has critical health, only their partner can resuscitate them, and they will die if their partner cannot reach them. At certain points, players are deliberately separated. Players can trade items during gameplay, although weapons cannot be traded with online players. The game's storyline is linear, and interaction with other characters is mostly limited to cutscenes. Follow on Twitch -   / aloversgaming   Support the channel on Patreon -   / aloversgaming