DON'T PRUNE YOUR CITRUS TREES like you do your Deciduous Fruit Trees! How to Prune Citrus
🌳🌳🌳Get our high-impact guide "The 9 things I WISH I knew BEFORE I Started My Backyard Garden" now for only $7 https://bit.ly/3Y73ZPt Citrus trees differ from your deciduous trees in many ways. As a subtropical tree, it doesn't go dormant, doesn't lose its leaves, it can have a months long fruit harvest season, etc. This impacts the way you prune citrus, compared to pruning your peach trees, apple trees, plum trees, etc. You DON'T prune citrus as an open center "vase shape" because the inner bark will easily burn without the foliage. 🌳Get access to exclusive members-only perks here: / @thebusygardener 🌳SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBusyGard... Follow me to stay updated 🌳ITEMS I USE AND RECOMMEND (ALL IN ONE PLACE) https://www.amazon.com/shop/thebusyga... 🌳TBG Instagram Account: / thebusygardeners 🏷️--DEALS-- **Get LIVE Plants Delivered to You: https://shrsl.com/3cve9 **IV-Organics (Tree Whitewash, Fertilizer): https://ivorganics.com (10% off Code: BUSY10) **Epic Gardening (Birdies Beds, Seed Starters, Etc): https://shop.epicgardening.com?aff=31 (5% off Code: TBG5) **DripDepot (TONS of Irrigation supplies) https://aff.dripdepot.com/aff/idevaff... **Magidome (DIY geodesic dome) https://magidome.com/?ref=uxgwewb1ao (10% off Code: GetBusy) The Busy Gardener MERCH STORE https://thebusygardener.com/shop My Latest Video: • CHEAPO Pruning Shears from Amazon Com... For Business and/or Sponsorship please contact: [email protected] Some item/store links (such as Amazon) may be part of an affiliate program which help to support The Busy Gardener channel at no additional cost to you 00:00 - Intro 01:54 - Pruning for Balance 03:11 - Pruning off Pest Damage 04:09 - Why I Let My Citrus Grow Taller 06:02 - Pros of Citrus 06:39 - Pruning Example (Tangelo and Grapefuit Cocktail) 08:17 - Conclusion Pruning citrus differs from pruning deciduous fruit trees in that you can easily prune citrus as a hedge. When you prune citrus trees, you want to let the "skirt" go down low on the tree. Citrus grows as more of a hedge or bush, so don't worry about training it as a tree with an open canopy. A dense canopy will protect the interior of the tree from sunburn. Fruiting on citrus happens primarily on the bottom 2/3 of the tree, so don't be too aggressive in pruning the lower half.