Men Don’t Realise THIS Is Why Women Touch Their Arm
Men Don’t Realise THIS Is Why Women Touch Their Arm ll Psychology Amazing Facts Most men assume that when a woman touches their arm, it’s just a friendly gesture. But here’s the truth—it’s rarely just friendly. Women use physical touch in very specific ways to gauge attraction, build connection, and sometimes even test your confidence. If you’ve been brushing it off as nothing, you could be missing out on a clear sign of interest. Let’s break down what’s really happening. You may have stumbled onto today's video because you're looking advice on the following topics: Signs she likes you, signs a girl is hitting on you, does she like me, does she want me to make a move, and many more along a similar theme. Today's video is all about spotting the signs she wants you to take the lead and make a move. Benefits include: 😀Loyalty badges - show your support 😀Emojis 😀Access member only high engagement community posts - discuss future videos and more! 😀Behind the scenes bits and pieces 💌What did you think of today's video? Do you know of any other tips for noticing when a girl is hitting on you? Comment below and let us know. I try my best to respond to as many comments as possible! 🥰 🔥Please consider subscribing if you enjoyed today's video. Every day we publish new videos on psychology, psychological tips, interesting facts, dating tips, relationship advice and more. Subscribe to never miss a video. #datingcoachformen #datingcoach #datingadvice #datingtips #AttractionSignals #DatingPsychology #FemaleFlirting #Dating #UnderstandingWomen #RelationshipAdvice #DatingTips #Crush #VerbaFlirting #ComplimentDecoding #DatingStrategies #AttractiveMen #FlirtingCues #InterpersonalAttraction #RomanticInterest #DatingConfidence #AttractionScience #FlirtingSuccess #LoveLife #SingleLife #DatingScene #ModernDating #DatingAdvice #FlirtingTips #DatingCoach