kubernetes full course in 10 hours with tasks on 4 node cluster #saikiranpinapathruni

kubernetes full course in 10 hours with tasks on 4 node cluster #saikiranpinapathruni

Mastering Kubernetes With Tasks In this video, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Kubernetes, from the basics to more advanced topics. If you're looking to learn how to manage containers and applications with Kubernetes, this is the perfect guide for you! What You’ll Learn: Setting Up a Kubernetes Cluster:** A simple way to get started with Kubernetes. Understanding Pods, Deployments, and Services: Learn how to run, manage, and scale your apps using Kubernetes. Working with ConfigMaps and Secrets: See how to handle environment variables and sensitive data securely. Advanced Scheduling: Discover how to control where your applications run using Node Selectors, Node Affinity, Taints & Tolerations, and more. Ingress Controllers vs. Istio: Learn how to route traffic to your apps and manage complex service communications with Istio. Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana:Set up monitoring to keep an eye on your apps. Deploying Applications:A real-world example of how to deploy an app on Kubernetes, including tips for smooth updates. Why Learn Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a powerful tool for automating the deployment and scaling of applications. Whether you're in development or DevOps, knowing Kubernetes helps you build and manage apps more efficiently. Stay Connected!!! If you enjoy this video, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Kubernetes, Docker, and DevOps tutorials. Timestamps: 00:00 Why Kubernetes ? What is Kubernetes ? 12:12 Deploying 4 Node cluster with Kops 40:25 Pods-ReplicaSets-Deployments-Services-Overview 1:10:31 Kubernetes Deployments with Practical's 1:41:33 Kubernetes Service with Practical's 2:11:25 Kubernetes Ingress with task 2:49:20 Health Probes with task 3:06:10 Sidecar Containers & Resources Quotas and Limits. 3:54:19 real Time Task On RBAC with Practical's 4:42:23 Config-maps and Secrets with Practical's 5:25:02 Real time task on PV & PVC with Practical's 6:16:26 Kubernetes Networking Policies with Practical's 6:45:38 Advance Scheduling with Practical's 7:34:46 Service Mesh ISTIO with task 8:12:15 Prometheus - Grafana - EFK 8:53:22 Real time task on Jenkins-EKS-Integration 9:38:52 Practical on HPA 9:50:22 Installing Kubernetes with kubeadm. GitHub : https://github.com/saikiranpi/Masteri... Docker : https://hub.docker.com/u/kiran2361993 LinkedIn :   / saikiran-pinapathruni-a0243569   Medium :   / pinapathrunisaikiran   Instagram :   / saikiran_pinapathruni   Buy Me a Coffee : https://buymeacoffee.com/saikiranpi Book 1:1 call : https://topmate.io/pinapathruni_saikiran #kubernetes #devops #cloudcomputing #containerorchestration #kubernetescluster #docker #cloudnative #prometheus #grafana #istio #kubernetestutorial #microservices #techtutorial #itautomation #cloudinfrastructure #SRE #configmaps #secrets #IngressControllers #devopsengineer #devopscommunity #kubernetesdeployment #CI_CD #clouddevops