Sunday, October 22, 2023 Welcome to our service at 10:00 AM. “Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost”

Sunday, October 22, 2023 Welcome to our service at 10:00 AM. “Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost”

Sunday, October 22, 2023 Welcome to our worship service at 10:00 AM. “Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost” The sermon today by Dr. Steve Ayers is titled “God or Caesar?” Thank you for your continued financial support. You may give online, via a text or by app. You may also mail in your offering to 5300 Poplar Tent Road, Concord 28027 Ways to contribute financially to McGill: 1. Abundant Giving (free at App Store) 2. 3. Text McGillBaptist to 73256 We hope everyone has been staying well and safe. We Live Stream on Facebook Live and YouTube. Please share with friends and neighbors. We are glad you are worshiping with us this morning.