I Tried Baking Sourdough Bread (And It Didn't Go Well) | Jasmine's Curiosity Corner
This was my first attempt at making sourdough bread. I know I wasn't gonna get it right on the first try( I was hoping though) but, this won't be the only time I try to make sourdough and the sourdough starter. #sourdoughstarter #baking #sourdough #breadmachine The Recipe Used: ~⬇️⬇️⬇️ RECIPE FOR THIS SOURDOUGH STARTER ⬇️⬇️ Day 1: Mix Ingredients: Combine 1 cup of whole wheat flour and ½ cup of water in a clean jar (one-quart or one-liter) jar is perfect). Stir until fully combined. Cover: Cover the jar loosely with a lid or cloth to allow air to circulate. Wait: Let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours. Day 2: Feed the Starter: Discard half of the mixture. Add 1 cup of all-purpose flour and ½ cup of water to the jar. Stir until smooth. Cover and Wait: Cover it again and let it sit for another 24 hours. Days 3-5: Repeat Feeding: Each day, discard half of the starter and feed with 1 cup of all-purpose flour and ½ cup of water. Stir and cover. Day 6: Bubbles and Growth: By now, your starter should be bubbly and have a pleasant sour smell. This means it’s ready to use! Maintenance: Feed it daily if kept at room temperature or once a week if kept in the fridge. ~ Repeat the feeding at the same time to keep the starter strong Here a links to the 2 YouTubers I mentioned @BakerBettie @sourdough_enzo