Intraday Live Trade || Option Buying 60% Profit Return || Selling Setup
✅ 2025 Updated Wave Concept https://theindiantrader.rpy.club/cour... ✅ Official Website https://theindiantrader.in/ ✅ Free Education Telegram https://t.me/theitrader The market has changed a lot in the last few years and if you do not stay updated with the latest strategies of the market in time, then you may not be able to make better decisions in the market. You have to think very logically and the direction of education should be in the right track. Discipline , patience & Limited Loss is very important . All the people who have LOSS in, their purpose was never to learn the stock market, they just came to take profit from the market, but not to give their hard work to the market. -------------------------------------- ⚡️Follow us Instagram - / indiantrader.official YouTube - / @theindiantrader Telegram - https://t.me/theitrader Website - https://theindiantrader.in/ DISCLAIMER Our video is only for educational purposes. We analyze Live Market and try to Provide learning information Content. All the Live Market views and charts shared in this video are purely for knowledge and information purposes only. The Indian Trader is not liable for any loss and profit directly or indirectly due to the information given in this video. The Indian Trader doesn't provide any types of calls or Buy Sell Recommendations to the public. It is especially important to do your own analysis & Research before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. We are not 𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐈 ( Securities and Exchange Board of India ) Registered.Please talk to a qualified financial advisor before making any financial decisions. #livetrading #optiontrading #intradaylivetrade #theindiantrader #tradingpsychology #daytrader #niftyanalysis #bankniftyanalysis #tradingmindset #tradingstrategy #technicalanalysis