Choral Evensong Sunday 16 March, 2025
Music and Readings for Lent and Passiontide INTROIT O dearest Lord Paul Edwards ANTHEMS Miserere mei, Deus Sarah MacDonald Ne irascaris / Civitas sancti tui Byrd O vos omnes Casals Vinea mea electa Poulenc Solus ad victimam Leighton NEH 507 (The Lent Prose) NEH 95 (When I survey the wondrous Cross – ROCKINGHAM) NEH 86 (My song is love unknown – LOVE UNKNOWN) HYMNS NEH 439 (Praise to the holiest in the height – GERONTIUS) VOLUNTARY Passacaglia (from Prelude, Scherzo, and Passacaglia) Leighton