Ringing in the ears? Did you know it's connected to your teeth? #shorts
Ringing in your ears? Many people don't realize that dental issues like jaw joint problems, infected teeth, and even root canals can cause tinnitus - that annoying ringing or buzzing in your ears. But ...inflammation in the jaw area can put pressure on the ear canal, leading to the annoying ringing in the ear. So, if you're struggling with tinnitus, don't just suffer in silence! Get a cone beam ct scan and find a holistic dentist that can help! #tinnitus #dentalhealth #jawpain #earache #ringingears #dentalproblems #rootcanals #inflammation #ctscan #dentalcare #gethealthy #fixyourtinnitus #dentistry #healthtips #wellbeing P.S. My tooth powder can help heal cavities and fight decay. Have you checked it out? If not, head to my site: http://livingwellwithdrmichelle.com