Resident Evil 2 Remake PS4 - Leon Scenario A - 100% Completion (Part 1/4)
I started my first game play with Leon. You can also do the same with Claire and just pick up unique stuff with Leon in the same scenario (A scenario is what you can start with, B scenario for example with Claire is unlocked with beating Leon A story and vise-versa). Each scenario have some unique Files that will count for trophies and some areas with some collectables are unique for certain aspect of story. I did S Ranks on my B side stories, by then you will learn all about the game. 5:09 - FILE - Orientation Letter 1/58 9:41 - FILE - Officer's Notebook 2/58 11:09 - Lion Medalion 13:09 - FILE - Guide Pomphlet 3/58 13:34 - Safe 1/ - First Break in Trophy 16:40 - Don't Need No Stinkin' Gun Trophy 17:49 - FILE - Record of Events 4/58 18:37 - Police Station 1F Map 19:31 - FILE - Uses of Gunpowder 5/58 20:03 - FILE - Operation Report 6/58 20:28 - FILE - Rookie's First Assignment 7/58 20:49 - Lock 1 (NED) 21:01 - Lock 2 (MRG) 21:17 - High-Capacity Mag. (Matilda) 22:54 - Safe 2 - Hip Pouch 23:48 - Mr. Raccoon 1/12 24:15 - FILE - Storage Locker Terminal Memo 8/58 25:12 - That'll Hold 'Em Trophy 26:04 - FILE - Medicinal Benefits of Herbs 9/58 28:47 - Portable Safe 28:53 - FILE - Portable Safe Instructions 10/58 29:24 - Lock 3 (CAP) 29:55 - Portable Safe Unlocking (A Vault-like Mind Trophy) 31:14 - Eat This! Trophy 32:17 - Film 1 34:39 - Lock 4 (DCM) 35:05 - Spade Key 36:27 - FILE - Some Guy's Scribblings 11/58 36:27 - Hip Pouch 37:09 - FILE - To any survivors 12/58 38:39 - Red Book 39:01 - Police Station Upper Floors Map 39:10 - Unicorn Medallion 41:15 - Key Card (for W-870) 41:23 - Art Article: The Red Stone 13/58 42:23 - WEAPON - W-870 1/9