FAM.tv - Live July 31, 2022 | Thanks for joining us!
#sunday #worship #family #sundays #gospel #familygoals #christ #jesusislord #jesus #praise #worshippers #worshipmusic #jesuschrist #churchlife #praiseandworship #churchonline #church #bible #weekend #goodmorning #familytime ::Worship Set:: Let it Out by Here Be Lions Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham Firm Foundation by Cody Carnes Gratitude by Brandon Lake At FAM, we operate on the premise That God has a plan for your life, And that you can Find Out Who God Is For Yourself! We strive weekly for those Who attend our services to have A true God encounter! We believe that by doing so, You will leave changed for His glory! Pastor Rick & Tammy Waycaster We strive to fulfill the law of Christ by loving God, loving people, and reaching the world. Everything that we do should serve to facilitate this objective. SERVICE TIMES Sunday Morning 10:15 AM Wednesday Nights 6:30 PM ADDRESS 2049 N Main St Milan, TN 38358 CONTACT US 731-686-1391 Info@firstassemblymilan.org Give online at: Firstassemblymilan.org/giving Follow us on Facebook Facebook.com/fam2049